Preparations underway for the Community Safety Plan

Preparations began for our Community Safety Plan on the 19th September and 8th December, across two days where our partners met in Blackhall Place and in DublinTown offices, working through submissions from community members and compiling our vision for community safety.

This was done with the support of Invisio, who were a great support to us in facilitating our discussions.

LCSP Partners at the Law Society of Ireland for our first session on the Community Safety Plan

The Partners participated in a number of facilitated workshops in 2022 that have allowed the participating members to examine the root causes of issues presenting, and most commonly associated with impacting the community’s safety and perception of safety.

Five headings were identified for the Partnership to focus its efforts under: Education and Employment; Family, Youth and Community; Drugs, Anti-Social Behaviour and Inclusion Health; Physical Environment; and Integration, Ethnic and Multi Faith Inclusion, which have now formed the basis for our subgroups.

Chair of the LCSP Cormac Ó Donnchú with partner members Michael O’Riordan and Cllr. Janet Horner

Get in touch!

Ph: 01-222 6551


Office location:

Unit 3,
James Joyce Street,
Dublin 1.