Re-Opening of Fitzgibbon St Garda station

Tánaiste Michael Martin speaking at the re-opening of Fitzgibbon St Garda Station

We were delighted to attend the re-opening of Fitzgibbon Street Garda Station as a new community-based policing in the North Inner City.

As part of the North East Inner City Project and the Mulvey Report, An Garda Síochána have opened a new hub for community-based policing with a bespoke Crime Victim Support Suite, along with comfortable ‘rest rooms’ where victims of crime can be interviewed by Gardaí in a compassionate and dignified setting.

An Garda Síochána’s Divisional Protection Services Unit will also operate from Fitzgibbon Street, which is responsible for supporting survivors of Domestic Abuse and Gender Based Violence.

LCSP Chair, Cormac Ó Donnchú, speaking with AGS Assistant Commissioner Angela Willis

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